Order your Book

You can pre-order your copy and/or copies of the Clarendon Hills Village Centennial History Book for your family and friends. This book will capture 100 years of history of your favorite town. This book will be in full color and paperback with a glossy cover.

Each book will cost $50. The History book will be available by the Fall of 2024, and you will be notified by email to pick it up at Heritage Hall located at 50 Sheridan Rd. in Clarendon Hills, or another location in Clarendon Hills. No shipping will be available.

Book Pick Up and In-Person Sales:

Mon. Sept. 9, 2024 9am- 12noon at Heritage Hall

Sat. Sept. 14, 2024 12noon-2pm at Heritage Hall

Sat. Sept. 21. 2024 3pm-6pm at Prospect Park Fall Fest